
Eye Treatments

Eye Treatments


Eye treatments cover a wide range of medical interventions to maintain eye health, solve vision problems and treat eye diseases. The eyes play a vital role in how people experience the world and vision is an important part of quality of life. Eye treatments aim to deal with vision problems and eye disorders.


Eye Treatment Types and Main Objectives


Use of glasses and contact lenses

Conditions such as refractive errors (myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism) are corrected using glasses or contact lenses. These treatments provide clear vision.


Cataract Surgery

Cataract causes vision loss as a result of clouding of the lens of the eye. Cataract surgery is the process of removing the clouded lens and placing an artificial lens.


Retina Treatments

Conditions such as diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration can be managed with retinal treatments. These treatments can be performed by laser therapy or injections.


Keratoconus Treatments

Keratoconus, which occurs as a result of thinning and cone-shaping of the cornea, can be controlled with various treatment methods.


Corneal Transplantation

It is the replacement of a damaged or diseased cornea with a healthy cornea. Corneal transplantation is used to restore vision.


Glaucoma Treatments

Glaucoma, which causes optic nerve damage due to increased intraocular pressure, is treated with drugs or surgical methods.


Eyelid Surgery: It is used in patients with vision problems due to sagging or other abnormalities of the eyelids.


Importance and Effects of Eye Treatments


Visual health affects many aspects of life. Vision problems and eye diseases can negatively affect daily activities, work efficiency and quality of life. Eye treatments play a critical role in relieving vision problems, treating eye disorders and preserving eyesight. Untreated eye diseases can progress and lead to permanent vision loss.


Eye treatments include medical interventions to maintain vision health, solve vision problems and treat eye diseases. The ability to see is an important part of human life, and eye treatments help people maintain visual health and live their lives in a better way. Technological advances allow the development of more effective and precise methods in eye treatments.