
About Us

About Us


Talya A.Ş. is an international technology company that has been developing software in the field of health and tourism for more than 25 years. Medisoft Hospital Management and Elektra Hotel Management System developed by Talya are used in thousands of health and accommodation facilities in 24 different countries. Talya A.Ş. is approved by the Ministry of Health as a health information management system developer and has the ISO 27001, ISO 15504 and SPICE standards certificates determined by the ministry to be a health information management system developer.


Clinicsinturkey.co.uk is Turkey's health tourism portal. It hosts health institutions and agencies in Turkey that have a health tourism authorisation certificate by the Turkish Ministry of Health. Thanks to this portal, foreign patients reach the right health institutions by searching according to many features such as doctor, device, treatment and city; the health institution contacts foreign patients for detailed information in their own language, they can make treatment planning with the health institution and request an offer for the health service they are interested in.



+44 7826 771711

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