Vitale Gynecology and Obstetrics Hospital
Private Vitale Gynecology and Obstetrics Hospital became operational on April 26, 2010 in order to provide a higher quality health service to our people. Vitale Gynecology and Obstetrics Hospital, which is the 8th gynecology and maternity hospital of Turkey, aims to provide complete health services to the people of the region with its modern technology and expert physicians in every field.
Our hospital constantly follows new developing technologies in line with its goals. With the satisfaction of the patient, patient relatives and employees, it strives to be the first choice in all matters.
Private Vitale Hospital is located in the Western Mediterranean Region. Antalya Antalya Intercity Bus Terminal and Antalya Özdilek Shopping Center are within walking distance of our hospital. It is located across from Antalya Mimar Sinan Congress Center.
In our hospital, which brings advanced medical technology together with modern architecture, there are 3 fully-fledged, state-of-the-art technology operating rooms. In our patient rooms, which are at the highest level in luxury and comfort, everything necessary for our patients to be comfortable has been considered in detail. As a result of the inspections made by the Turkish Ministry of Health to our hospital, our specialist physicians have received many praises; It consists of experts and well-known names in their field.
Our laboratory, radiology unit, adult and newborn intensive care units also have world-class medical equipment.
Our hospital encourages expectant mothers to normal birth rather than cesarean delivery.